Home Health 6 Health Insurance Tips To Save Time, Cost And Stress

6 Health Insurance Tips To Save Time, Cost And Stress

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Here are some tips to help you choose your health insurance

Read Your Benefit Booklet From Cover To Cover

You would receive your benefit booklet by mail but you can also login to Blue Connect to read an online version of it. While this booklet is not a best-seller, it is vital that you take the time to read and review the booklet and understand your benefits.

Sign Up For Blue Connect And Download Blue Connect Mobile

Blue Connect and Blue Connect mobile give you the information you need in just a few clicks. With the help of Blue Connect, you can review your coverage and claims, download your insurance card, review account details, contact customer service, and search for doctors, prescriptions, and compare costs.

Make Sure Your Doctors Are In Your Network

It is essential to make sure you have a primary care doctor selected. Also, ensure that you set up annual checkups and other preventative care well in advance.

Learn About Your Prescription Coverage

If you are currently on medication or are aware that you will need some in the future, it is vital to understand your prescription benefits. These benefits are explained in your benefits booklet.

Understand Your Explanation Of Benefits

After a doctor visit or any medical procedure, you should receive an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) in your mail. This is not a bill. It provides you with the details of the cost of services with and without insurance. An EOB explains what you pay (your out-of-pocket cost) and what Blue Cross NC covers.

Reference These Valuable Tools And Programs

-Blue 365 Deals – Exclusive discounts on the newest fitness gear and health programs

-Ask a Nurse – Health Line Blue is a 24/7 nurse line to get your queries answered or get assistance.

-Nutritional Counseling – Nutritional counseling with a registered and qualified dietitian

-Wellness Activities – Healthy conversations, seminars, and online coaching

-Telemedicine – Using a phone, the internet or mobile app doctors are available to treat common medical conditions such as allergies, fever, insect bites, sore throats, and urinary infections

-Healthy Outcomes Program -Track and measure health goals and aims

-Healthwise Knowledgebase – lets you look up a extensive variety of symptoms, health conditions, medical tests, treatments and goals