Home Health 5 Tips To Better Manage Diabetes

5 Tips To Better Manage Diabetes

Make Some Dietary Adjustments

The best place to begin simplifying the daily management of your disease is to track what you eat and drink. Most Americans take in more sugar than is healthy. As you alter what you eat and drink, you will be improving your overall health as well as symptoms of your disease. Avoiding sugary sodas and fast foods is especially important, as these are loaded with the kinds of ingredients that are bad for diabetic patients.

Tackle The Scale

New research clearly shows that dieting as a temporary weight loss solution generally does not work. Instead, begin with Tip 1 and transform your daily nutrient and calorie intake as a means to stabilize your weight and lower over the long-term.

Add In Regular Fitness

If you are already getting horrible visions of sweating for hours at the gym, you are about to be relieved! The latest research shows that it is the intensity that matters most when you work out and not time. You can get the necessary level of intensity while going about your daily routine. You can do a minute of intense push-ups at home or a minute of intense walking up the stairs. In this new form of fitness where intensity is prioritized over quantity, every minute really does count.

Using The New Breed Of Technology Helps

There are so many wonderful health apps, online resources, and at-home tools today that can make managing your disease easier. From scales that measure so much more than just your weight to discrete and fully portable on-the-go glucose monitoring accessories, there is no need to interrupt your work life or your social and family life to take care of required disease management tasks. All you must do is select your favorite tools and apps and enjoy the comfort of having everything you need with you wherever you are.

Get High-Quality Sleep To Ease Stress

Anxiety and stress are huge triggers for diabetics. Stress is directly correlated with blood sugar levels. This means that when your stress shoots up, so does your blood glucose level. And since getting insufficient sleep or restless sleep at night increases your body’s stress level during the day, getting good and sufficient sleep is going to be a huge priority.